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A Good Way To Increase Your Google PageRank

If you have the Google Toolbar installed on your computer, you probably know what PageRank is. If you don’t, it is a numerical value from 1 to 10 that websites get. 1 means that a website isn’t that important and 10 means that a website is very important.

A good way to increase your Google PageRank is to control your links. If you have too many links on a web page, that page’s PageRank can decrease. Now this doesn’t mean having ten or twenty links on a page is going to hurt you, or that you shouldn’t link to other sites. In other words, you should not link out to 1000 other pages when it doesn’t provide any value to a user. A good way to solve this problem is to “nofollow” links.

Nofollow is an HTML attribute value used to instruct search engines that a hyperlink should not influence a web pages ranking. The code you can use to nofollow certain link is:

The links I recommend nofollowing on your blog are things like contact pages, terms of service, comment links, privacy policy, and read more links. You can pretty much nofollow the second instance of any duplicate link on a given page.

Image Search

People don’t just search for web pages, they also search for images. Search engines aren’t smart enough to decrypt an image and tell you what it is, like humans can. But through code you can help a search engine figure out what keywords your images are related too.

You can optimize your images through 5 easy steps:
  • Enable image Labeler in Google Webmaster Central. (you can find it under the settings tab).
  • Give meaningful names to your images. For example, GreenToyotaCamry.jpg is better than image1.jpg.
  • Add long description tags to your images. For example:longdesc=”1998 green Toyota Camry driving down the highway”.
  • In addition to a long description, an alt tag should be used as a short description. For example: alt=”Toyota Camry”
  • Lastly, you want to upload big images. Bigger images usually have a higher priority than smaller images.


After you do all of these changes, your search engine traffic should increase. Just be patient because it could take a few weeks before you start seeing any increases in traffic. If you have a brand new blog, don’t expect to get much search engine traffic. It can take months before you start getting a lot of search engine love.

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